Bees… Pollination & Honey
the apiary
Our bees started with two bee variants: the Italian and Saskatraz honeybee. Over time, we hope to interbreed the bees so they become a hardy PNW bee able to withstand the cool wet winters, but still be able to provide honey come late spring/summer
The first harvests of the year yield an extremely light colored and sweet honey. Comprised mostly of blackberry pollen, this honey is super sweet.
Now it’s time to spin down and bottle the honey
Our late harvest is a bit darker and fuller bodied.
Moving a few honey frames to the extractor
No need to get all sticky trying to wash the honey… we like to leave the extractor out in a sunny place away from the hives (to discourage robbing), and let the bees clean things up!
We use honey for eating, but what about the bees wax? The wax makes a lovely shell for our own farm made canneles.