Farm Animal Projects

We've been digging post holes, carrying cement packs, moving posts, and pulling fence. 

Goats (milk): 

We are definitely hoping to get some goats next year. (At least three) We're getting smaller goats, but aren't sure exactly what kind. We've been driving posts into the ground to act as a fence so that when we get the fencing in, the goats won't be able to escape or get eaten.

First, we marked down the boundaries where the fence would be, using a yellow string and stakes. Then we mowed across the lines, so that it would be easier to dig holes. Then, using a gasoline powered auger, we drove holes into the ground (about 2 1/2 ft.);  twenty feet apart from each other. I believe the posts are about twelve feet high. we put those posts in, along with some cement for the corners. So far, we need more posts because we ran out... 


Bunnies/Rabbits (Meat and fur [lucky one as a pet]):

There is a fence that runs along our land that no one has touched in a long time, so we decided to use that for our bunnies! Not necessarily for walls, but for barriers so that they can't burrow to far out so that they would be able to escape. We cut four 50 feet sections and lined that up where part of our elk fencing is going to be, and secured them with the poles. Then, we hammered some T-posts into the ground to put the forty feet of fencing sections across to cover up the grass. The holes are pretty large, but the rabbits shouldn't be able to burrow deep enough to escape. The grass should grow out of the holes so that the rabbits would be able to eat more easily. 

My dad gave me permission to keep a bunny as a pet and not for meat... :) I can't wait! 


P.S. I haven't been posting in a while, but I'll try to do it more often, now that the summer is almost over. I've been starting homeschooling a little early, just to get a head start so that when we go on vacation, I don't have to bring all my books with me. 

