Herb Garden

We are going to have to leave these little guys for a while... We are heading back to Berkeley and I am going to miss blogging about the farm. Hopefully when we come back, these guys'll be all ready and big enough to use as garnish! We've got bachelor buttons, basil, and some spinach. Although spinach isn't really and herb... Oh well! :) 

The bachelor buttons are finally starting to grow and there are light pink, dark pink and purple colors so far! (Bachelor buttons are edible) The one at the bottom of the picture is almost fully bloomed! It's going to become a soup garnish I am sure. :(


As you might tell, we finally got those posts up for pen number 2 for the goats and chickens. Yay! Now we need to lay out the fencing. We got the fencing from TSC. (Tractor Supply Company) Thankfully it is in a remote location for us, and we don't have to drive too far.

We've also been harvesting all the kale on the top of the container and we're canning it ALL. just 6 plants can make 4 huge quart jars! The plants got super big and we're harvesting them before the cold weather starts rolling in even though it's been super hot lately... They are also starting to become bitter. Next year, we're not planting so much kale. 

I am going to miss blogging so much, and I hope to write right when I come back! ;) (October)